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- World Vision
- Save the Children
- Help Age International (Myanmar)
- Mercy Corps
- Association for Aid and Relief(Japan)
- Trocaire
- New Humanity Myanmar
- World Education Inc
- Diakonia
- Good Neighbors International (Myanmar)
- Mines Advisory Groups (MAG)
- Denish Refugee Council (DRC)
- Community And Family Services International (CFSI)
- Association Francois – Xavier Bagnoud – AFXB
- Community Partners International (CPI)
- Action Aid Myanmar
- Care International Myanmar
- Christian Aid
- Japan Heart
- ကုလသမဂ္ဂကလေးများရန်ပုံငွေအဖွဲ့ (UNICEF)
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- ကုလသမဂ္ဂအမျိုးသမီးရေးရာအဖွဲ့ (UNWOMEN)
- Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)
- AVSI Foundation
- Lutheran World Federation (LWF)
- Solidarities International
- Pact in Myanmar
- Danish Refugee Council
- The Adventist Development & Relief Agency – Myanmar (ADRA Myanmar)
- ကုလသမဂ္ဂမြို့ရွာနှင့် အိုးအိမ်ပြန်လည်ထူထောင်ရေးအစီအစဥ်
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- Norwegian Refugee Council (Myanmar)
- Action Contre La Faim (ACF)
- The International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- Relief International
- BRAC Myanmar
- Freedom Fund
- Abilis Myanmar
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Asked by : CpjJwWHV
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